Customer Service Videos: How to Use Video to Delight Your Customers (With Examples)

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Our hero:
Derek Gerber
VP of Growth at Directive Consulting  

✔ 3x ROI
✔ $200k in deals closed within weeks of launching video campaign

Securing the sale is just the beginning.

You need to win over that customer every single day. 

The service you provide to your clients, customers, and users once they close is critical to ensure they don't churn.

Companies that focus on customer experience have a 300% higher likelihood of achieving their yearly business goals.

Furthermore, 71% of businesses look at customer service as an opportunity to increase growth.

To improve your businesses' customer experience in 2020, you should be providing customers with video content. Very simply, video is one of the best ways to strengthen your business relationship.

In this article, we'll examine how videos can improve the customer experience and delight customers in a variety of ways. 

Let's dive in.

How Customer Service Videos Can Improve Customer Experience

Above all, your customers want to feel valued.

Particularly, there are four specific components of customer service they're seeking:

  • Efficient
  • Convenient
  • Friendly
  • Knowledgeable 
Customer experience graph
(Image Source)

Moreover, there's no better way to create a comprehensive customer experience. A collection of customer service videos encapsulates those four traits absolutely.

Beyond addressing the qualities of service your customers are looking for, there are numerous other benefits to leveraging video to improve customer experience.

1. Improved Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty can be achieved through effortless experiences. Customer service videos are a part of making things easy.

For example, incredible customer service will enhance customer loyalty.

Conversely, poor customer service will negatively impact your ability to retain a satisfied customer.

In fact, 9 out of 10 consumers will go to a competitor if they experience bad customer service.

2. Increased Revenue

Positive customer service experiences lead to positive financial returns.

For example, improving your customer retention with an enhanced customer experience can lead to 25% more profit.

Premium revenue streams are also unlocked with white-glove customer service offerings. 

More than 70% of customers would pay more for a great customer service experience.

3. Reduced Stress on Your Team

Customer service videos can allow further self-service.

Videos that demonstrate your product and answer commonly asked questions will reduce the number of questions asked.

For instance, put these videos on your site or send directly to customers in an email sequence. Then you can reallocate your resources and team's time to other areas of the business.

In fact, by the end of this year, it's estimated that 85% of customer relationships will be managed with no direct human interaction at the company. 

With these benefits in mind, let's look at some of the most popular types of customer service videos and see how they delight customers.

Types of Customer Service Videos

There are many ways to connect with your customer through video.

To understand which customer service video works best for your business, we've outlined five of the most popular video formats and included examples for each.

1. Product Demo Videos

We've all needed a refresher at some point.

A short product demo video might be needed to reacclimate your customers to what they just purchased. 

Sometimes, the actual user of your product might not be the same person who bought it. That's why it's so important to produce a product demo video to showcase the breadth of your offering.

Keep the video short, though!

Customers are most engaged with videos under two minutes.

That length is perfect for product demo videos. They can provide a taste of your brand and product without going too in-depth.

BitDam has a product demo video that showcases their brand just as much as it explains their product.

The video illustrates how easy it is to use BitDam to prevent unwanted attacks.

To re-energize your customers with your offering, product demos are a great way to showcase your product and highlight your key features.

2. Webinars

Class is in session. With a webinar, you're the teacher.

Webinars can engage your existing customers and target prospects. They provide ancillary content that will help them with their business goals.

You can invite a satisfied customer on the webinar to discuss a current trend or topic while sharing their experience with your product. 

It's great to include some action tips or best practices so viewers can apply to their own businesses.

In general, webinars help support current customers with training, knowledge, and tips.

For example, Klaviyo mixes "online customer training" into its webinars that focus on timely email marketing tactics that their products can help with.

This webinar focuses on "key segments to engage" and provides tips for email marketers to implement this year. 

Make sure to include a question and answer session at the end of the webinar!

This is an excellent way to have open communication with customers and prospects.

Customers are asking for it, too! 92% of attendees rated a question and answer session as an important part of a webinar.

With webinars, you will improve customer satisfaction by providing insight, training, knowledge, and excellent customer service.

3. FAQ Videos

Getting asked the same question multiple times? Make an FAQ video.

With an FAQ video, you can answer common customer questions and relay additional product information to customers.

In the example below, Shopify accomplishes this and more. 

The company addresses the question "What is a theme?" and then explains why themes are important and how to implement one on the customer's site as well. 

For those who were wondering, "What is a theme?", the answer was right there.

Notably, approximately 12% of Americans rate their top customer service complaint as "lack of speed." 

FAQ videos solve this issue by providing the answers to questions that customers are asking for in a fun and informative way. 

This will transform an angry customer into a satisfied customer while decreasing customer complaints at the same time.

To enhance your FAQ video, consider using a video translator to cater to international customers and a voice generator for clear and consistent narration.

4. Testimonial Videos

Testimonials don't just serve as marketing content

They especially help existing clients discover how other companies in similar industries are using the product they just bought.

Look at how OneEleven describes their implementation of Robin, a scheduling app for businesses, to help achieve their business goals.

Watch as Mel Heeney, Director of Operations at OneEleven, describes how her company used Robin's filtering options, imagery, analytics, and support.

Testimonials improve customer experience by building trust in your business

They pay off too! Customers will spend up to 31% more after seeing positive reviews and testimonials. 

By sharing testimonials with a new customer, you can create a relationship on a foundation of trust. Then build customer loyalty!

5. Employee Videos

How well do you know your clients? How well do they know you?

Employee videos that showcase your culture are a great way to connect with your customers and add a human touch to your business.

Companies that take a more human approach in their interactions with customers are 2X more likely to perform better than their competitors in revenue growth.

One way to accomplish this is to create team videos to put a face to the name. 

Sprout Social did this effectively by introducing their team members in individual videos that showcased their history with the company and personality.

By creating a video that features your team members, you can begin to establish a more meaningful connection between your company and your customers.

Final Thoughts

Customer service videos can help improve customer loyalty, increase revenue, and reduce stress on your team.

Customers are looking for efficiency, convenience, and friendly and knowledgeable customer service. On-demand videos on a business' website fulfill these requests.

There are numerous types of customer service videos to deliver an optimal experience.

Some include product demos, FAQs, webinars, testimonials, and employee videos. 

By integrating these videos into your customer marketing strategy, you'll improve your customer service experience and delight even difficult customers in many ways.

Team up with Testimonial Hero to start improving customer experience by creating high-quality, bottom line-impacting customer service videos today.

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