5 Types of Employee Videos and How to Use Them

Why you should read: Find the right video testimonial partner to help sales and marketing teams close deals faster.

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Derek Gerber
VP of Growth at Directive Consulting  

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Using employee videos can be a great way to get your employees more engaged in your company and its processes. 

Whether they’re for training, promotional, or retention purposes, your business will achieve higher levels of productivity and business growth with the help of employee videos. 

But, what types of employee videos are there? And, better yet, what are the benefits of using these videos? 

This article will teach you everything you need to know about employee videos, including the different types, their purposes, and how they can help your business achieve maximum growth in the B2B industry. 

What are employee videos?

Employee videos consist of a wide variety of videos that, in some way, enhance your business’s and employees’ performance. 

Different types of employee videos serve different purposes, and, as such, they can be used individually or collectively throughout your internal and external marketing campaigns. 

Whether that be developing your employees’ skills through training videos or promoting your brand with employee testimonials — the goal of employee videos is always to inspire some type of action from your employees, investors, or customers. 

5 different types of employee videos

Here are the five different types of employee videos that you should be incorporating into your business:

1. Testimonial videos

Employee testimonial videos are more relevant today than ever before. They’ve become a huge part of corporate and employee branding. These videos don’t only show outsiders your amazing company culture, but they also make it easier for customers to trust your brand. 

In fact, studies show that 54% of people trust a regular employee, whereas only 47% trust a CEO. This means that employee testimonials could be extremely useful for demand generation among ideal customers. 

On top of that, employee testimonial videos can also be used in your recruitment marketing campaigns to attract high-quality talent to your organization. 

For example, have a look at this employee testimonial video from Valuize:

This video portrays Valuize’s great corporate culture and shows potential employees what they can expect if they decide to work at Valuize. 

By sharing these types of testimonial videos across social media — such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter — and including them in your emails and website, you'll attract customers and employees.  

Find out more about how you can outsource video testimonial services here.

2. Training videos

Effective employee onboarding and continuous employee training is vital if you want your company to thrive. 

A lot of companies’ onboarding and training processes involve a human resource manager lecturing new hires about the company’s values, goals, and expectations. 

Once the onboarding is considered complete, the employees are sent on their way, and little effort is put into their ongoing training and development. This leads to a shortage of leadership in companies. 

Leadership training is exceptionally important in the B2B industry since employees are often expected to work in team settings. Without a good team leader, the team won’t be able to deliver services as effectively. 

However, studies show that a staggering 61% of companies don’t offer leadership training — meaning that their service delivery isn’t even close to being as good as it could be. 

To make sure that your business doesn't fall into the same trap, you need to continuously offer leadership and skill-enhancement training so that your employees grow within your organization. 

This could be a time-consuming process if you choose to do live training sessions. Instead, you could create employee training videos that can be reused every year to onboard new employees and train existing employees with new processes and skills. 

3. Company history videos

You want your employees to feel proud to work at your company, right? 

For them to be proud of their workplace, they first need to know your company’s history and how it was built from the ground up. Not only will this give them a sense of belonging, but it’ll also help them better understand why certain business practices are in place. 

As seen in the image below, there are several different aspects of company culture. These include visible and invisible aspects. Invisible aspects, such as beliefs about your company, business values, and assumptions, are hard to change. 

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However, you can shift your employees’ beliefs and assumptions about your company by showing them exactly where your company came from and where it plans on going. 

Include the following clips in your history/company culture video: 

  • Start with where your company began (who founded it and why). 
  • Talk about your company’s philosophy and how it was developed. 
  • Include clips of your past and current employees’ experiences working at your company. 
  • End the video with forward-looking thoughts and what your company strives to achieve in the next ten years. 

Keep in mind that the video should be short and engaging while giving your employees a positive vision of your brand. Think of what makes your company unique and special. 

4. Employee recognition videos

Showcasing employees when they go above and beyond is critical for employee retention. In fact, 51% of employees say that the most important priority of an employer should be to make their employees feel valued.

On top of that, Workinstitute’s 2021 Retention Report shows that 18% of employees leave their jobs if a company lacks recognition and opportunities for career growth. 

Follow these steps to create employee recognition videos: 

  • Step one: Determine what the goal of your video is. Do you want it to be a quick shout-out to your top-performing employee, or do you want the video to inspire other employees? Or, maybe you want to use it to attract potential investors. 
  • Step two: Highlight the key challenges that the employee faced and how they overcame those challenges. Show the before and after. 
  • Step three: Humanize the employee. You want your staff, potential employees, and customers to connect with your brand through the person in the video. Share something unique about them in addition to their accomplishments. 

After you’ve created your employee recognition video, you can share it in your internal email newsletters on a quarterly or yearly basis. You can also use these videos for external marketing purposes to attract potential employees. 

5. Annual report videos

When employees are informed about a company’s goals and financial health, they tend to be more invested in their role within the organization. 

Annual reports feature a business’ yearly results in data format. They’re normally dozens of pages long and contain a lot of data that can become really boring, really fast when people are flipping through the pages. 

A great way to make your annual report more interesting is to put it in video format. This way, you’ll be able to: 

  • Turn hard data and text into visualizations (such as graphs and animations), and include them in your video. 
  • Break up the information into more interesting and digestible “chunks” by including numerous images and graphics throughout the video that’ll keep your employees and investors engaged. 
  • End the video with a positive note from your CEO or executive team. 

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Top benefits of using employee videos

Using employee videos in your business offers the following benefits: 

Better employee experience

Your employees’ overall experience will be far greater when they have videos to guide and inspire them. 

Not only will employees learn more about your company and its processes through your training videos, but they’ll also feel valued because of your employee recognition videos. 

This will lead to brand advocacy, as your employees will be more likely to recommend your business to their friends, family, and connections. 

Employees will also know exactly what’s expected of them — they’ll have a clear plan of what they need to do to achieve results. 

Attracts top talent

As mentioned earlier, employee testimonials can be used as a massive asset in your recruitment marketing campaigns to attract top talent

Why? Because they give your business an excellent employer brand and position you as a desired employer. 

When potential employees see that your current employees are extremely happy at your company, they’ll be more likely to apply for a job at your organization. This means that you’ll attract highly qualified and skilled employees who know what they’re doing. 

With these new employees, your business will be able to deliver far better services or products, and your reputation will continue to grow.  

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By recording quality employee testimonial videos, you’ll be able to reuse them in numerous future marketing campaigns. You can share them across your social media platforms, as well as include them in your emails and on your landing pages. 

Increased employee engagement

When employees feel like they’re part of a team, they’ll not only be happier and less likely to leave their job, but they’ll also be willing to participate in your company’s processes, events, and functions. 

Unfortunately, only 36% of workers were engaged in their work in 2020. This means that most workers aren’t fully happy at their workplace — which could lead to significant performance consequences. 

This is where employee recognition videos come in. In fact, recognition is one of the top drivers of employee engagement, with workers being 2.7x more likely to be highly engaged when they believe that they’ll be recognized in their workplace. 

By incorporating employee recognition videos into your organization, you’ll be motivating your employees to work harder so that they, too, can be featured in these videos. 

Better internal communication

By having numerous employee videos, all your staff members will always be up to date with the latest business developments and information. 

Additionally let’s say you have remote workers or are thinking of hiring some. You don’t have to worry about communication gaps as much since they’ll be able to access your training, recognition, and onboarding videos where they are. 

As long as you have a stable video platform that’s easily accessible to all your employees, they’ll always be in the loop. 

In turn, excellent internal communication will lead to better service delivery and more company profit. 

Increased employee productivity

Disengagement leads to lower levels of productivity — which costs businesses and economies a lot of money. 

In fact, a lack of employee productivity costs the U.S. economy $550 billion a year.  

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Luckily, you can avoid these additional costs by making sure that your employees are engaged and productive. 

Using training and recognition videos for internal marketing will motivate your employees to work harder since they’ll be taught the skills they need and acknowledged for all their effort. 

Additionally, by featuring your employees in your testimonial videos, they’ll feel like you see them as valued members of your team, giving them a sense of pride.  

Bottom line: Employee videos will give your employees the information and motivation that they need to make your business grow and succeed. 

Start using employee videos in your business

Employee videos can be extremely beneficial for your business. 

Now that you know which types of employee videos you need to use to grow your business successfully, you can go ahead and start creating them. 

If you’d like to use employee testimonial videos in your marketing and recruitment strategies to attract new customers and employees, we’re here to help. We can create memorable testimonial videos that’ll make your business stand out. Reach out to us here

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